Friday 14 May 2010

TV Summary 6th-8th May 2010 - Doctor Who & more!

Now here is the rest of last weeks TV, complete with marks out of 10!

REST OF THE WEEK - 6th to 8th May 2010


Saturday night is “Doctor Who” night (BBC1, 6pm – 6/10) and this week we were back to so-so it’s-good-but-not-great territory with “The Vampires Of Venice”. On the back of two scintillating episodes, “The Time Of Angels” and “Flesh And Stone” it was always going to be tough to maintain that high standard without the Weeping Angels, and these vampires (which are really fish?!) just didn’t quite cut it. Despite being written by Toby Whithouse (of “Being Human” success) the episode lacked real tension and concern for the citizens of Venice. However the setting and aesthetics of the episode were second to none. Some great buildings, costumes and props were used to film this episode and “Doctor Who Confidential” (BBC Three, 7pm – 4/10) showed us some of these in great detail. Plus Matt Smith got a trip to Venice, how is that fair!?
Next week’s episode does look to be an absolute corker though, so make sure you don’t miss it and come back here for my thoughts.


After being pulled off our screens the previous week for the final Leaders’ Debate (I still think having Karen asking the questions would’ve made up for it), the nation rejoiced when Britain’s only genuinely funny sitcom* returned. “Outnumbered” (BBC1, 9.25pm – 7/10) was a in a superstitious mood this week (well Karen was anyway). It wasn’t the funniest episode of the sitcom, the highlights being the pigeon in the kitchen, Karen’s obsession with everything remotely superstitious and Ben’s lovely chat with the pregnant house viewer. I’m looking forward to next weeks’ episode though, with the return of Sue’s sister Angela! Should be good.

*OK it’s the only genuinely funny one airing at the moment, because “Gavin & Stacey” has finished and “The Inbetweeners” isn’t back on yet.


The latest episode of “The Simpsons” (Sky1, Thursday 7.30pm – 5/10) “The Color Yellow” revolved around Lisa’s quest to trace the Simpson family routes. Most of the Simpson ancestors were not as pleasant as Lisa had expected, until she came across the diary of Eliza Simpson who came to the aid of a slave named Virgil. Until it transpired that Colonel Burns returned to retrieve his slave and Eliza did nothing to stop Burns, which disappointed Lisa. However it turned out that Mabel (Eliza’s mother) threatened Burns and ran away with Virgil to give birth to Lisa’s ancestor Abraham, meaning Bart, Lisa and Maggie are 1/64 Afro-American!

Sadly this episode has not continued the great form of The Simpsons anniversary season, which can already boast instant classics such as, “Thursdays With Abie” and the “Once Upon A Time In Springfield”. This episode felt like we were re-treading old ground as the storyline followed closely to the Season 9 Episode “Lisa The Simpson” – but just not as funny.


Thursday nights on Sky 1 are just awesome – simply because of brand new Simpsons and the excellent “Modern Family” (Sky1, Thursday 8pm). The first episode of the double bill (“Starry Night” – 6/10) wasn’t really that funny but had its’ highlights with Luke’s ADHD and Van Gogh school project and Cameron’s reaction to the food of Gloria’s ‘people’.

The second episode “Game Changer” (7/10) was almost the birthday from hell for poor Phil. Claire didn’t get him his iPad, Jay, Manny and Gloria were too busy fighting over chess and Mitchell got in a fight (wish we’d seen more of that!). Luckily the iPad Phil so desperately wanted turned up, courtesy of Luke, who’d lied to a fellow iPad customer that his dad was dying of cancer and wanted an iPad before he passed on.
It was a funny episode, as they always are when the whole family come together (see Episode 9 “Fizbo”), but it’s Luke who saved the day and is easily becoming my favourite character on the show. Here’s hoping we get more ensemble episodes before the season ends.


WOW. I can’t believe what I just saw! Proper hands over eyes moment. What am I talking about? “Britain’s Got Talent” (ITV1, Saturday 8pm – 7/10) and the machete man Hayashi! The whole episode paled in comparison to this amazing act, who along with the gymnasts ‘Spellbound’ and regurgitator Stevie Starr – have to be some of the front-runners in this series. I just hope we don’t end up with a dance act or singer winning again....

That's your lot folks - see you soon for some more Stuff About TV!

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