Sunday 6 June 2010

Patty is seriously DAMAGED

My special blog on the awesome US drama "DAMAGES"!

BBC 1, Wednesday 10:45pm

All That Crap About Your Family” – 9/10

So with only two episodes left after this week, we are hurtling towards the season finale.
In this weeks’ story we saw the twisted relationship between Patty and Ellen hit rock bottom, in a tense scene where Patty disowns her former protégée. This was great to watch, Glenn Close can play ‘complicated-and-screwed-up’ very well and the look on Ellen’s face when Patty rants on about, “all that crap about your family” is a look of genuine ‘where is this coming from?’ The whole incident causes Patty to remove her latest protégée Alex Benjamin from her empire.

Tom and Patty sent Tessa Marchetti to Antigua to gather the forms she signs which give her access to the Tobin’s money. Lenny urges Marilyn Tobin to tell her son Joe that he is Tessa’s father and not Lewis, but we can tell Marilyn isn’t going to. Both these events lead the murder of Tessa Marchetti in Antigua, at the order of a clueless Joe Tobin and the devious Marilyn Tobin, who is becoming more and more involved as each week passes by. The look on Tessa’s face when she finds Patty’s bodyguard dead and turns around to see a man holding a gun is truly heartbreaking, with cries of, “Oh please no!” is why “Damages” is such good television.

Other revelations in this episode included Leonard Winstone’s father continuing to blackmail his son, with some information yet to be revealed to the Tobin’s or the viewers. Ellen’s dreams regarding a woman who she began to think was her birth mother, turned out to be the woman who was going to adopt her, after Ellen’s parents worked through some serious issues when Ellen was a child.

OK, so this is one of the best TV series ever and I’m enjoying Season 3 much more than the over-complicated Season 2. But there are a few questions still awaiting answers with two episodes remaining (something which “Lost” fans know all too well), like what does Lenny’s father know that will kill his relationship with the Tobin’s? How much does Marilyn really know? And what has Arthur Frobisher’s film storyline got to with anything?

BBC 1, Wednesday 10:45pm

You Were His Little Monkey” – 10/10

The penultimate episode of the season was gave us plenty of answers and a teasing glimpse of next weeks’ conclusion.

Tom is spiralling out of control. Patty has found out about his involvement in the Tobin scandal and he’s had to resign from Hewes & Shayes & Associates. Then his wife kicked him out and he begun doing a deal with Lenny (always risky!). On top of this, he’s still really chummy with the tramp. Is Tom suicidal enough yet? This begs the question that maybe he was pushed off the bridge to his death? Just a thought.

So we found out what Lenny’s dad has been blackmailing him about. Lenny isn’t actually a lawyer. He took the identity of a law student who died soon after graduation, and meddled his way into the Tobin family. When Joe discovers this (thanks to Ellen & her journo boyfriend), he gets angry. Lenny tells him that Lewis knew he wasn’t a lawyer, and he’s still part of the family. Joe wasn’t convinced. Stuart Zedeck was also on the receiving end of a furious Joe Tobin, but Zedeck doesn’t seem like the kinda guy you should piss off.

Arthur Frobisher’s hint that he’d had people killed left actor Terry Brooke to ask Patty if it was true. Patty and Ellen (now best buds again) took it to Ellen’s boss Gates. Gates had done some research into Frobisher’s handyman, who we know killed David. A photo proved that Ellen’s (other) ex Wes was the accomplice to David’s murderer. Finally Frobisher’s involvement in this season has been worthwhile, and it feels the series is coming full circle. Hopefully next week’s finale will give us all the answers and enough to convince the US networks to GIVE US ANOTHER SEASON!

PS – I’m still waiting for Joe to find out he’s Tessa Marchetti’s father.

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