Sunday 6 June 2010

The Simpsons has still got it!

THURSDAY 13th to SUNDAY 16th MAY 2010

Sky1, Thursday 7:30pm

Million Dollar Maybe” – 9/10

Homer’s fortune cookie tells him that he will have a run of good luck. So Homer queues up to buy a lottery ticket, whilst poor Marge is waiting at a wedding from him to turn up for their duet. Of course, Homer misses the wedding (after crashing his car trying not to be late) and his good luck come through as his wins the lottery. One problem, Marge knows the winning ticket was bought at the exact time she was performing at the wedding, therefore Homer must keep his win secret. After letting Barney claim the money, Homer realises he needs to spend the money slowly so he doesn’t provoke suspicion, and gradually spends the money on gifts for the family (including a private Coldplay gig – very funny). Bart soon catches on about the money and blackmails Homer to be his slave. Eventually Homer gives up and comes clean to Marge, on a hot air balloon ride – she’s not bothered, as long as they have each other. Ahhhh.

The B-String storyline involved Lisa buying the Old Folks a ‘Funtendo Zii’ (complete with Funtendo Zii Sports). They love playing on it, but this means that the staff working with them have to work twice as hard, so they put the Funtendo Zii in the dishwasher.
Mr Burns grabs the best line of the episode whilst playing a war game on the Funtendo Zii, “Wait, I’m shooting at Nazi’s? That’s not how I remember it!”

The main story is what’s at the heart of “The Simpsons”; Homer messes up, tries to redeem himself, Marge forgives him for trying. What I enjoyed most about this episode, was the fact Homer actually got lucky, won big on the lottery and then was not able to share his winnings with his family. The narrative with Lisa and the Old Folks was fun to watch too, having endured a similar experience with my grandparents and Wii Sports. Overall, it felt like an episode that could easily have dropped into Season 7 or 8, and proves that despite what some people say; “The Simpsons” can still produce classic episodes after 21 seasons.

BBC1, Saturday (used-to-be-7pm-but-now-whenever-they-feel-like-it)

Amy’s Choice” – 8/10

Is this a dream? Or am I awake? Something we’ve all asked ourselves in the past. Only in “Doctor Who” this week, it was real. Or was it?

The Doctor rocks up at Amy & Rory’s cottage five years from now, and she’s pregnant. After walking around the sleepy village, they enjoy listening to the sound of the birds chirping and promptly doze off to sleep. Only to wake up on the TARDIS in 2010, all saying they had a dream; the same dream. Cue birds chirping, and they fall asleep and awake back in Leadworth. Basically one is a dream and one is reality, they need to choose which.

So, so pleased that “Doctor Who” is back on top form this week, with a twisty tale and a great character in the Dream Lord. He was the one who made Amy choose, The Doctor or Rory, tough call. The emotion we saw from Amy when Rory was turned to dust in the ‘future’ dream was the first genuine affection we’ve seen from Ms Pond. This caused Amy to choose Rory over the Doctor, a key moment in the series.

Of course it turned out that BOTH realities were dreams after the Doctor found some psychic pollen in the TARDIS, which caused them all to fall asleep. As for the Dream Lord, he was just the dark side of the Doctor, causing the pollen to create him in human form. A truly brilliant episode.

BBC1, Thursday 9:30pm – 8/10

Angela is back (yay), complete with new American husband Brick – who is a therapist. Pete has kissed another woman, “who’s fatter and older than I am” according to Sue, who was not happy. Throw in a family dinner and you get another fun episode of this great comedy.

The highlights this week were (obviously) Sue v Angela ‘Round 382’, where we saw Angela as a ‘great’ mother to Brick’s children (who have clearly been brought up in America’s “I’ll sue you” society). This is surprising since she didn’t want kids as Sue pointed out, providing Angela with the catty response, “I didn’t want kids like yours”. Ouch.

After Ben’s announcement in front of the family (and the poor waitress) that Pete had kissed another woman, Brick took it upon himself to try and psycho-analyse Pete. This obviously did not go down well with ‘Hugh Grant’ (Brick’s nickname for Pete), but luckily Karen saved the day by successfully questioning all of Brick’s theories, much to his annoyance!

Last episode next week, boooooo! Thankfully I have my Series 1 & 2 DVDs to turn if I miss it.

Sky1, Thursday 8pm

Benched” – 6/10

Sadly “Modern Family” wasn’t that good this week. Then the second episode was a repeat of “Not In My House”. That sucks.

We dropped in on Manny & Luke’s basketball team performing terribly under their coach, who soon quit to give the job to Jay. Jay was just as bad, but Phil was better – only it took him a while to convince his father in law that he was right.

Gloria & Claire bond over rejection from their kids and buy Lily plenty of new clothes. Claire got her own back on Alex (in front of her cool friends) in the best scene of the week, “Alex, don’t forget to buy a training bra for your boobies that will grow soon!”

Finally after lots of tears from Cameron (who wanted to be a home Dad again – very funny) Mitchell had a job interview, which involved visiting a house with a revolving plate to remove the need to reverse out of the garage. Cue Mitchell and Cameron stuck in the garage pressing buttons, and one severely crunched up car on the driveway.

BBC1, Saturday teatime – 7/10

It was the grand finale of this amazing game show! I’m sure you’ve all seen it (if you haven’t WHY NOT?) but when you have the best of the best competing to be series champion, you know it’s gonna be great TV. What made the finale even better was the 3 competitors in the final were all runners-up in their respective heats, so we ended up with a real life CSI winning the overall title. Hurrah!

PLEASE BBC bring us another new series soon! (And another celebrity one whilst we wait!)

ITV1, Saturday 8pm – 4/10

Got a lil fed up with BGT this week. We had even more dance groups (yawn) and some more singers (double yawn) including a 16-year-old lad who think he’s amazing, when really he was just average. He warbled on the notes far too much and won’t stand a chance of winning.

Luckily, the best act did come last in this episode. The impressionist Paul Burling was brilliant. Fact. How many cartoon characters can he do in a minute?! Along with his great Harry Hill act, this guy is actually quite ‘normal’ which surely means his chances of winning are slim.

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